Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween Party Grub

Here is what I made for our Halloween Party.

Smoked Meatballs, stuffed with Pepper Jack and Bacon.

Ready for the Rub

Spiced up and put in the Fridge overnight.

Smoked with Hickory and Ready to Pull off the Grill

Wings are Rubbed and ready for cooking

Covered with Spicy Chipotle Sauce, I also made some Honey BBQ, but the picture was way out of focus.

For all of the other food, go to my Wifes Blog, she has all the details about the party.
Halloween Party 2009


Chris said...

Love the stuffed meatballs, especially because they are easy to vary with whatever fillings you have on hand. Wings look great took.

Shaw said...

These look yummy! Makes me want to eat! Good job.